Friday, October 2, 2009

Holistic Canine Healthcare Series

I took this series and found it extremely informative….BD

Catherine O'Driscoll
Holistic Canine Healthcare series

How Cognitive Dissonance and Didactic Eclecticism Influence You and Your Dogs

This lecture series is not for everyone, because it requires that you think for yourself, and it’s difficult for most people to think for themselves. Few have reached a level in their own personal development where they’ve stepped out of tribal belief – the illusions of the masses – and into personal power.

Group energy – tribal belief – moves slowly. If you’re still adhering to group thoughts and beliefs, then you’re wearing leaded boots and you’ll be years behind in your thinking. Have no doubt: staying within tribal thought patterns can seriously affect your health and your dog’s health. You’ll be waiting for the people who do your thinking for you to evolve before you can evolve in their shadows.

But there is a benefit to being a follower: at least this way you can avoid the feelings of discomfort that come with personal responsibility.

Courage is required for you to sign up to these lectures and put yourself in a place where you might hear something that makes you rethink your world view. Having your belief system turned upside down isn’t necessarily comfortable. Most people would rather not think at all than experience discomfort.

‘Cognitive dissonance’ is a psychological term used to explain the feelings of uncomfortable tension which come from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time. This feeling of discomfort increases with:

• The importance of the subject to us
• How strongly the dissonant thoughts conflict with one-another
• Our inability to rationalise and explain away the conflict

Cognitive dissonance is strongest when we believe something about ourselves and then do something against that belief. For example, you may say that you love your dog, but you’ve heard people say that you’re doing something that harms him, whereas other people tell you that this allegedly harmful practice is good for him. Who do you believe? This conflict is so uncomfortable that, if you’re not willing to face the issues, you’ll:

• Deny or ignore : 'I didn't hear anyone tell me that annual vaccination was unnecessary,' or ‘she’s talking rubbish’.
• Rationalise and make excuses : 'My vet knows best.'
• Attack the messenger: ‘If I convince myself that she’s a bad person, I don’t have to listen and have my beliefs threatened’.
• Dismiss : 'I don’t need to know this.'
• Hope for the best : 'If I don’t look, then maybe everything will be alright.'
• Persuade yourself : 'I don’t need to look at the evidence because I know it all already.'

It’s much easier, isn’t it, to make snap decisions and turn away than to have to look at all of the information and make up your own mind?

Are you one of these people who’s full of opinions, but only parroting out the same ‘safe’ message given to you by people who make a fortune out of your ignorance?

There are two routes to personal growth, whatever the issue you’re working on:

1. Bear the discomfort and be open to information that can contribute to your growth, or

2. Wait for life to knock you flying, so you have no option but to grow. In other words, if you’ve already acted and the consequences cannot be undone, then after-the-fact dissonance (discomfort) will compel you to change your beliefs.

Unfortunately, your dog is relying upon you when you impose your lack of knowledge on him. He’s the one who’s going to have the vaccine reaction, or suffer diseases of malnutrition. He’s the one who’s going to be ill, or even die years before he should. Maybe only then, when your friend has suffered and you’ve been shocked and traumatised into asking why, your next dog will stand a better chance?

Are you outraged by this email? Well, then, congratulations – because at least you had the courage to read it. The next step is to enrol on the course and face the unpalatable truth - so that you can at least say you didn’t turn away from serving your dog’s best interests.

Because we understand that enrolling on this lecture series might be difficult for you, we’ve done all we can to make the rest of it easier. We have:

• Made it an on-line lecture series so you don’t need to travel or arrange for cover at home or work
• Made it extremely inexpensive, thereby circumventing any financial barrier to your personal enlightenment, or your dog’s best interests
• Included information in the lectures that will save you a great deal of money, and make your dog healthier
• Included information that will lead to your own self-empowerment
• Included information that will give you options, based upon scientific facts rather than opinion or ignorance – or because everyone else has always done it that way. (If you think something just because everyone else thinks it, then you’re not thinking.)

**And we’re also throwing down a challenge: if you enrol on this lecture series, participate in it, and finish feeling that you’ve learnt nothing of value, then we will give you your money back – without any questions.**

Please note: the veterinary profession is at this time struggling with huge cognitive dissonance. Every vet, if they’re on the planet, will have heard that annual vaccination is neither necessary nor without harm – because it’s in the veterinary literature. Yet they’re vaccinating annually anyway. Why do you think this is?

Vets have been reassured and pacified by vaccine company sales messages, vaccine company ‘education’ programmes and vaccine company sales events. A further incentive for vets to keep the status quo is a concern about the loss of booster income. In addition, they’ll have been comforted by their colleagues who also have their heads in the sand, and dissuaded by their veterinary bodies from implementing changes that might adversely impact the viability of the profession.

Most vets have also heard that processed pet food is ‘scientifically’ manufactured (which they’ve been taught is a good thing), and they’ve listened to the sales patter of visiting sales reps. Since around 20% of practice income comes from pet food sales, uncomfortable cognitive dissonance prompts vets to avoid information attesting to the benefits of natural food for their patients. Another fear is that if all of the patients are well because they’re getting the nutrients they need, where will veterinary income come from?

Vets are also taught in college that the only solutions to disease in animals revolve around steroids, antibiotics and NSAIDs, and they’re also taught to dismiss any evidence that isn’t supported by multinational-sponsored research grants. This means that natural healthcare, such as balanced nutrition and energy therapies (none of which support multinational corporations or promote repeat business for vets), threaten discomfort and must therefore be ‘dissed’ or dismissed.

Most vets are still adhering to group thought forms – the slow-moving energy that empowers their own group or tribe but disempowers themselves as individuals, and you as their clients.

Now, more than ever – for the sake of your dogs – you need to open your minds, and make your own minds up.

You may have wondered where ‘didactic eclecticism’ in the title of this email comes in. Didactic eclecticism means that you are open to information that you may not wish to hear, but which comes from more than one source. Didactic eclecticism also implies that whilst you might risk having the rug pulled out from under you – you might have your existing beliefs challenged – there is a chance that they will be replaced by new beliefs which improve the quality of your understanding, and your life.

The question is, do you love your dog enough to bear a little discomfort and commit yourself to a four-hour lecture series? Do you love yourself enough to consider a different, more empowering, world view?

And, finally, consider this: before you lash out because you feel threatened, remember our challenge: you can have your money back in full if you learn nothing in the lecture series to help your dogs.

Online Canine Healthcare Lecture Series
In your own home, at your own convenience, worldwide

Three content-rich lectures for only £29 (less than £10/$15 each lecture).

These lectures could seriously change your life, and the lives of your dogs.


Online Lectures
Register Now Lecture Dates
When registering/booking please always quote your reference, which is: CO/AFF/40

Some comments from previous attendees:

"Loved lecture 1 - looking forward to the rest (very thought provoking and inspiring). Well done to Catherine for making this so accessible to everyone wherever they are :)" Thanks, Alex (Scotland)
"Watched it in 2 parts as I had to stop and make supper. I am indeed impressed. You did a wonderful job Catherine." Wendy (Canada)

"Dear God – please let everyone who has a dog/cat hear about CHC and Catherine’s on-line lectures. Our animals so deserve this. Please show me a way to get as many people as possible to want to hear these lectures …… Just to let you know how much I enjoyed all three lectures " Barbara (England)

"Such a shame it was not shown on national television on prime time. Every dog owner should see it." Satu (England)

"Brilliant lecture". Robert and Jacqui (England)

" Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed the online lectures and how much I learned from them due to your informal, easy to listen to manner, Catherine. I truly feel that it should be a legal requirement that every would be dog “owner” listen to and understand all the information given". Annie (Jersey)


Catherine O’Driscoll is a highly respected pioneer of natural canine health. She is the author of two seminal best-selling books, What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines, and Shock to the System – as well as In Search of the Truth About Dogs, voted best DVD of 2008 by the Dog Writers’ Association of America.

Catherine is the founder of Canine Health Concern, which spearheads research and education by and for dog lovers to promote positive canine health. She has played an instrumental role in promoting health-enhancing food for dogs worldwide, and is a world expert in canine vaccination issues. She is a certified EFT practitioner and teacher, a healer, an animal communicator, and a regular contributor to the dog press.

In this lecture series, Catherine shares vital information about what we are doing to make our dogs ill, and how we can raise healthy dogs. If you love your dog and want the best for him or her, you may not want to miss this opportunity. It’s a chance to hear Catherine without even leaving home.


Holistic Canine Healthcare
(Each part available to view over a full 24 hours)
Part One: Wednesday 14th October 2009
Part Two: Wednesday 21st October 2009
Part Three: Wednesday 28th October 2009
Register Now (no obligation) for full details.
for further details click here:

Online Lectures

When registering/booking please always quote your reference, which is: CO/AFF/40
We are planning more lectures series' on different complementary healthcare topics and will email you when these are available. (To unsubscribe from these mailings please click reply and send with ‘unsubscribe’ as the subject heading – no text required).

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